Our service items include:
一、会计服务 Accounting:
月度财务报表(中国会计准则) Monthly financial report (PRC GAAP)
月度财务报表(国际财务报告准则) Monthly financial report (IFRS)
共享服务中心 Shared service center
财务人员培训 Training of financial staff
解决特殊会计问题 Solution of special accounting problems
Teller services, including the payment of cash, keeping of cash account, reimbursement of staff expenses and cash budget.
开具发-票 Issuing of invoices
Provide suggestions on the choice, customization, installment and operation of financial software. Provide training on new accounting processing program and the operation of new software.
二、常年定期会计服务 Regular accounting services
支付流程设立 Establish payment procedures
出纳服务 Teller services
海外汇款服务 Overseas remittance services
会计系统建立服务 Establish accounting systems
记账服务 Accounting services
符合中国会计准则的财务报表 Fiscal report in accordance with PRC GAAP
国际会计准则 / 美国会计准则报告 IFRS/ US GAAP
开具发票 Issuing of invoices
库存管理 Inventory management
年度审计协助 Annual auditing assistance
年检 Annual inspection
短期会计服务 Short-term accounting services
三、税务申报服务:Tax declaration services:
企业 Corporate
月度/季度企业所得税申报 Monthly/quarterly declaration of corporate tax
年度企业所得税汇算清缴 Annual financial statement of corporate tax
税务量身定做咨询顾问服务 customized tax consulting services
个人 Individual
月度个人所得税申报 Monthly declaration of individual tax
个人所得税追溯申报 Retrospect declaration of individual tax
年度个人得税申报 Annual declaration of individual tax
四、税务咨询服务Tax consulting services:
企业 Corporate
Provide corporate tax plan for commercial pattern and restructuring proposal
转移定价咨询 Transfer pricing consulting
税务尽职调查 Tax due diligence
年度企业所得税汇算清缴 Annual settlement of corporate tax
公司间服务协议审阅 Inter-corporate service agreement check
代扣代缴预提所得税 Payment of withholding tax
特殊税务事项处理 Treatment of special tax affairs
个人所得税咨询服务 Individual tax consulting services
个人所得税筹划包括税收平衡计划建议 Individual tax plan, including suggestions on tax balance plan
法定审计/中国会计准则审计 Legal auditing/ PRC GAAP
美国会计准则/国际会计准则审计 US GAAP/ IFRS
验资 Verification
年检 Annual inspection
商定程序 Agreed-upon procedures